An hour a day



The sun rose again this morning – I never really doubted it would. I fixed and then ate a hearty breakfast with Master – which I’ve gotten to do every morning since I came to work with him, but which wasn’t always true before. I finished my chores by noon – which I do most […]


“Take a step forward.” I stood frozen with my eyes covered by a cloth. I wanted to move, but I couldn’t. I knew what was in front of me – I’ve run up and down these hallways a hundred times in the dark. For some reason this was different. Choosing not to see, when I […]


Master told me to wait. He didn’t tell me what to wait for or how long to wait – he just told me to wait. So what was I to do? I waited. I stood by the garden gate, which was where I was when he told me to wait. It was cold. I had […]



Master told me to write about snow. I don’t understand what he wants. Snow falls from the sky. When it melts it turns into water. It’s cold. It hurts your eyes when the wind blows it into your face. It’s white until someone walks on it. It only comes in winter and then only stays […]


Master asked me if I have learned anything about trust. I think he was talking about my adventure earlier this weeks when I had to wait. Honestly, I hadn’t thought about it in terms of trust; I was just being obedient. Now that I think about it, maybe there is something behind the obedience. When […]

Day 2 – Duty

Dear Journal. It sure feels strange writing that. Master said I should write like I was talking to my best friend. How sad is that? My best friend is a empty book! Master said I should focus on the word “Duty” today as I write. I’m eleven years old – what do I know about […]